Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Judging an RV

Homebuilt judges are busy people at Oshkosh. They'll judge an estimated 800 planes in a week, starting at 8 in the morning going until around 3 in the afternoon. They judge in groups of 3, rotating the individuals so a judge isn't with the same 3 each day. They input the data on a PDA and then download it to a computer which does its thing and spits out the results.

The judges use a point system, awarding a 1-10 score on individual areas such as appearance, fuselage, instrumentation, paint, and power plant and then award an overall score to the airplane.

Armed with this judging standard, I tried my hand at it, selecting the first RV I could find -- there are 400 of them at Oshkosh -- and giving it a good going over. The result? It's better than what I'm building. Join me for the judging.

If you can't see this on your browser, go here.


  1. Bob, You should easily become the "Charles Curalt" of Aviation, travelling around talking about airplanes and airports. You're a natural. I'm surprised you didn't pick up on the pun "MT Pockets" on the EAA card on N174MT. Really nice airplane.
    Don Hull

  2. Bob,

    Interesting piece on RV judging! FYI, the Perseverance Award is given to a builder the first year they fly their new plane to the fly-in (the yellow ribbon is from Sun-N-Fun if I recall correctly, been a few years now...). It doesn't signify anything other than you "persevered" and completed your plane.

    Sam Buchanan


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