Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hotline pages decision

The annual server bill for the RV Builder's Hotline is due. It's about $90. Even though I don't put out the Hotline anymore, there's still a lot of valuable information and articles in the archives. Still, I'm thinking of taking the site down and saving the money. Is there a demand for this stuff? If so, I'll leave it up. If not, I'll make a copy on CD and supply it to those folks who want it.


  1. You could put it on Google Sites and save yourself the hosting fee. It would take a bit of work to do so, and I don't presume you have copious free time, but it's an option.

  2. There is some good information on there, I have a couple links to the archives on my site. I dont blame you for wanting to save the money though. I would be interested in a CD or maybe I can just save some PDF's of the articles I like?

  3. I am just starting my journey into aircraft building, and I found a very useful article on the hotline website. I just tried to find it again, and I noticed that the website was no longer available. I would be overjoyed to get a copy of the material on that website, if possible, or learn the information's new location, if applicable.

  4. I can either send you the article or I can send you a DVD of the site.


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