I was talking (via e-mail) with my pal, Doug Reeves, this week and opined that one of the things I love about building an RV and hanging out with other RVers, and going to Oshkosh, is that I'm able to get away from real life and the usual political BS that exists there.
Unfortunately, there come times when "real life" and my RV life collide and a very sad story this week is a reminder that the community is not immune from these intrusions.
Matthew and Sandi Brandes have been so helpful to the RV building community. Matthew's Web site, which documented the building of their RV-9, has been one of the must-go-to Web sites for RV builders.
According to news reports, Mrs. Brandes reached a plea deal on embezzlement charges this week, and they have to give the airplane to
The Web site, www.n523rv.com, now points to Van's Aircraft.
just a small correction. The story says that she had to give the airplane to the dentist she worked for. She did not embezzle from the Chamber of Commerce.